Meet the Partners

European Centre for Emerging Competencies and Technologies is a non-profit organization in Cyprus, aiming to bridge the gap between actual market needs and job candidates. This will be achieved by co-organizing and supporting workshops, events and other related activities that can be undertaken in close collaboration with supporting organizations.

Scuola di Robotica
Scuola di Robotica is a non-profit association founded in 2000 by a group of robotics and human science scholars. The main objective of Scuola di Robotica is the promotion of culture through education, training, education and dissemination of the arts and sciences involved in the process of development of robotics and new technologies. Over the years Scuola di Robotica has become a national and international reference point for many research activities and application of robotics in the most varied sectors of society such as didactics, ecology and disabilities. Scuola di Robotica is a partner of many European projects and since 2009 has been certified as a training body by the Ministry of Education, University and Research for the updating of teaching staff.

TalTech IT College was established on August 1, 2017, and it is part of the Faculty of Information Technology of Tallinn University of Technology. IT College is the leading provider of IT education in Estonia which organizes and conducts studies in three application-oriented bachelor’s programs (IT systems administration, IT systems development, Cyber security technologies) and two master’s programs (Digital changes in the company, Information systems analysis and planning). The college’s field of research is IT didactics and the use of new technology in teaching (telepresence robots).