25th-26th January 2023

The 1st transnational meeting of “Restela “(Erasmus+ KA2, 2022) took place on the 25th-26th of January in Tallinn!
During the first day of the meeting, the partners visited Tallinn School No. 21 (Tallinna 21. Kool), in which robotics and digital technology are not only encouraged through multiple interactive boards, computers, and other technological equipment but also taught using LEGO educational robots and online educational games and platforms. The partners had the opportunity to attend some of the classes and view the aforementioned technologies.
Later on, the partners discussed the progress of the project, worked on pending tasks, and then decided on the next steps.
The 2nd day of the meeting included a tour of TalTech Information Technology College and a workshop where the partners controlled the Telepresence robots.
Many thanks to our partner and host TalTech – Tallinna TehnikaĆ¼likool!